Student Handbook
- Student Support
- Assessment
- Attendance
- Be Your Best
- Careers Advice & Guidance
- Conduct Procedure
- Dress Code
- Equality & Diversity
- Getting to College
- Health and Safety
- ID Cards and Signing In and Out
- Policy on Cheating and Plagiarism
- Progress Coaches
- Safeguarding
- Smoking Policy
- Student Complaints & Comments
- TGI Connect
Recent Stories:
Festival of Adult Learning 2025
TGI hosts LSRN meeting
Community outreach programme
Dress Code

Students are able to express themselves through what they wear and we would recommend wearing something comfortable that doesn’t affect learning.
When in College we ask students to wear clothing that is appropriate for the working environment for their programme of study. Students should not wear clothing which is inappropriate for the College environment or causes offence to others (eg items that expose a significant amount of flesh such as crop tops, transparent clothing, excessively short skirts or shorts or clothing with discriminatory, explicit or sexual slogans).
Clothing should not interfere with teaching and learning, for example wearing something that poses a risk to health and safety.
Students will be challenged if they attempt to push boundaries with these guidelines for appropriate dress. Persistent failure to meet the expectations will result in the code of conduct being applied.
Students should consider their lanyard and ID badge as part of their college dress and display them whenever on campus.