Student Handbook
- Student Support
- Assessment
- Attendance
- Be Your Best
- Careers Advice & Guidance
- Conduct Procedure
- Dress Code
- Equality & Diversity
- Getting to College
- Health and Safety
- ID Cards and Signing In and Out
- Policy on Cheating and Plagiarism
- Progress Coaches
- Safeguarding
- Smoking Policy
- Student Complaints & Comments
- TGI Connect
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Assessment is the professional judgement of evidence against criteria and as you progress through your course of study you will be issued with a variety of forms of assessment through which you can demonstrate your strengths.
Your vocational team will outline the assessment methods, assessment schedule and submission procedures for your course of study. Quality measures are in place to ensure that assessed work is fairly set and graded in line with awarding organisation’s procedures.
Assessment malpractice: plagiarism, cheating and copying
- Plagiarism means copying from published sources (including the internet) without acknowledgement.
- Cheating includes copying work from others, or getting someone else to do the work for you.
- Copying includes allowing your work to be copied by others.
You must ensure that all the work that is produced in assignments is your own. Work must not be copied from other students or from any other person. You must not produce assignment work in collaboration with other students unless this is allowed as part of the assignment and clearly indicated by the lecturer. Quotations from published sources (including books, newspapers, magazines or the internet) must be clearly referenced in the assignment.
All cases of suspected plagiarism, cheating or copying will be investigated and, if proven, the student will be subject to the College’s Disciplinary Procedure.
Awarding bodies may also impose their own sanctions and penalties, including disqualification.