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Cheating and Plagiarism

TGI College has very strict policies on cheating and plagiarism which we summarise for you below. If you’d like to see the full policies, they are available on request from any staff member and are listed at the end of this page.

If you are a student or a candidate on any educational or professional assessment or programme, you are covered by these policies.

What is Cheating?

Cheating is an attempt to deceive the assessors or examiners. It may include, but is not limited to, situations when a student:

Communicates or attempts to communicate by any means with a fellow candidate or individual who is neither an invigilator nor member of staff during an examination.

Attempts to introduce or consult during the examination or assessment any unauthorised printed or, written material, or electronic, calculating or information storage devices.

Impersonates another or allows themselves to be impersonated.

What is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism is defined as ‘the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own’1.

All work submitted for assessment including examinations, assignments and assessments must be the student’s own work and must acknowledge assistance given (including from fellow students, lecturers or teaching assistants) and the detailed input into the work from the major sources involved e.g., books, journals, internet sites etc. Any quotation from published or unpublished works of other persons including other candidates must be acknowledged (the College prefers the Harvard System).

Plagiarism covers pictures, text, videos and any other medium in which you might submit work.

Where does AI fit in?

Although use of GenAI is not taking the work or ideas from a specific person, the information provided by AI is ultimately made up of the work of others, and passing this off as one’s own work still meets the definition of plagiarism.

What Happens if I Cheat or Plagiarise?

TGI College policies cover a range of consequences for cheating and plagiarism depending on what circumstances they occur in. You will be given a chance to argue your case but if you are found to be cheating or plagiarising you will face the College’s disciplinary procedure which can include redoing assignments or exams or even having to leave your course.

How Can I Avoid Cheating or Plagiarism?

TGI College offers a lot of support to ensure you can achieve your aims without needing to cheat or plagiarise. You will be given study skills support including revision support for exams and research and referencing support for assignments. If you are worried about anything in relation to this, you can speak to your lecturers or to the library staff, who will be happy to help you.

College Policies

If you wish to see the full TGI College policies, you can ask any member of staff.