Student Handbook
- Student Support
- Assessment
- Attendance
- Be Your Best
- Careers Advice & Guidance
- Cheating and Plagiarism
- College Cafés
- Conduct Procedure
- Dress Code
- Equality & Diversity
- Getting to College
- Health and Safety
- ID Cards and Signing In and Out
- Library and Learning Resources
- Progress Coaches
- Reception
- Safeguarding
- Smoking Policy
- Student Complaints & Comments
- Student Engagement
- Student Shop
- TGI Connect
Recent Stories:
New Head of English & Maths
New charity is launched
Festival of Adult Learning 2025
Be Your Best

The College expects students to conduct themselves in an acceptable manner and to abide by College policies and procedures, adhering to the Student Code of Conduct. Students should push themselves to reach their potential and the College commits to supporting students to achieve this.
We want you to Be your best version of you and will work together with you to make that happen.
If there are things you feel that could improve the learning experience for you please feedback to us. You will be participating in a Student Voice survey each term and there will be a variety of mediums through which you can give us your views on how we can improve.
Join the Student Council, be a Student Rep for your group, give feedback to your Vocational Tutor team, or just stop a member of the College Leadership Team in the corridor and let them know your thoughts on how things could improve.
In addition, you can post views, comments, queries, questions and observations on TGIConnect. These posts are monitored and actioned to ensure that we can provide you with the best learning experience.