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New charity is launched

A new charity EnrichED has been set up by The Guernsey Institute (TGI). The purpose of EnrichED is:

‘To provide financial support to enable post-16 students studying at TGI to have opportunities to engage with education fully.’ 

The charity will be launched officially at a reception at The Princess Royal Centre for Performing Arts on Monday 17 March at 5.30pm.

Specifically the charity aims to ensure the following for students:

  1. Access to enriching educational activities and opportunities (eg trips) that may not be available to them otherwise because of limited financial resource
  2. Essential items to enable them to engage with their learning as fully as possible (either by giving them access to funds to purchase the equipment or by supplying it to them)
  3. A resource for them to access ‘starter’ funds for projects or activities in order to fundraise for charity, to help them develop further skills which help with employability
  4. Support for those with limited personal funds to ready themselves for their next steps into employment by means of a ‘golden graduation’. This may include an interview outfit, work clothes, specialist kit, bus pass for example

Chair of EnrichED and TGI College Principal Louise Misselke said:

“At TGI we do have students who are suffering financial hardship – particularly some of our young students, aged between 16 and 19 years old. This may mean they have not been exposed to a range of activities or experiences that have enabled them to build vital social and cultural capital. Some students may have fallen behind their peers as a result of not being able to afford critical kit for learning. We aim to support such post-16 students across TGI’s provision to fully engage in education and achieve their potential. EnrichED will provide funds that will support students to ensure they have the best opportunities possible and help them to be fully ready for the world of work when they complete their qualification.”

Iain Beresford, Business Growth Consultant at Fort and Vice-chair of the trustees added:

“EnrichED will fill a gap within the local charitable sector. Many students require additional support for a variety of reasons including social/emotional issues, additional learning needs or family circumstances. This charity aims to enable them to maximise their learning experience and their self-development, thus enhancing their employment prospects and career pathway. Our initial goal is to raise vital funds that we can re-distribute to individuals where we have recognised a real need.”

Jayne Ozanne, the Secretary of the charity, who is committed to working for a fairer Guernsey, encourages islanders to consider supporting the new initiative:

“We want to give the best start in life possible to these young people and enable them to have the support that many others have within their schools and colleges through Guilds and PTAs. These students are working hard to achieve their goals, but many need support to reach their full potential.  I’m really grateful for the opportunity to be involved in this charity, which has the potential to be truly life-changing for so many.”

Anyone interested in attending the launch event on Monday 17 March to find out more should contact Lindsey Hutchins –