Festival of Adult Learning 2025
We are delighted to be launching our second Festival of Adult Learning which will run from Saturday 5 April until Friday 11 April 2024.
Sponsored by Sovereign Trust, the event will celebrate all areas of adult education highlighting the benefits of life-long learning, recognising the achievements of adults who have embraced learning opportunities and demonstrating the positive impact that learning can have on all aspects of someone’s life.
We will be showcasing some of the opportunities available and organising a range of activities including:
- Demonstrations
- Free sample classes
- Free taster sessions
- Static displays
Activities will be located at various venues around the island including Health Connections Shop (Market Street), Castel Parish Hal, St Martin’s & Styx Community Centres as well as at the College; displays and information points will also be located at Health Connections’ Market Street shop and Beau Sejour.
Details of the exact schedule of activities will be posted here soon so please revisit this page.
To give you an idea, last year included:
- Cooking
- Crochet
- Quilling
- French for beginners
- Beauty treatments … and much more
So watch this space!