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A new charity has been establish to support local post-16 students at The Guernsey Institute.


The purpose of EnrichED is to provide financial support to enable Post-16 students studying at The Guernsey Institute (TGI) to have opportunities to engage with education fully. Specifically, we will aim to give students

  1. Access to enriching educational activities and opportunities (eg trips) that may not be available to them otherwise because of limited financial resource
  2. Essential items to enable them to engage with their learning as fully as possible (either by giving them access to funds to purchase the equipment or by supplying it to them)
  3. A resource for them to access ‘starter’ funds for projects or activities in order to fundraise for charity, to help them develop further skills which help with employability
  4. Support for those with limited personal funds to ready themselves for their next steps into employment by means of a ‘golden graduation’. This may include an interview outfit, work clothes, specialist kit, bus pass for example


TGI is the main provider of technical  and higher education within the Bailiwick, with approximately 500 full-time students aged from 16, students enrolled on apprenticeship programmes, and up to 3,000 part-time adult students. We have students studying with us across TGI’s provision who live within severe financial constraints and for whom taking part in enriching activities can be a challenge. Some come in each morning without eating breakfast or go home to no meals, or arrive on campus without suitable outdoor clothing, or do not have the funds to purchase the specialist kit for their course.

Why EnrichED is needed

Some young people find it harder to access work than others, particularly those who are suffering financial hardship, which may mean they have not been exposed to a range of activities or experiences that have enabled them to build vital social and cultural capital or they may have fallen behind their peers due to a lack of access to IT in the home, for example. We aim to support such Post-16 students across The Guernsey Institute’s provision to fully engage in education and achieve their potential.


EnrichED charity has a Board of Trustees which is primarily responsible for the good governance of the charity. A management committee appointed by the Board, governed by the Board of Trustees, will be responsible for approving requests for funding to the charity and for the distribution of funds and payments to beneficiaries in accordance with the charity’s objectives

How can you help

If you would like to find out more/support EnrichED, please contact Louise Misselke, Chairperson, on