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Jenny Naftel - BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Health & Social Care

Jenny Naftel
A career in nursing
Jenny completed her Level 3 Diploma in Health & Social Care at the college and is now undertaking a nursing degree at the Institute of Health & Social Care Studies locally. We asked her a few questions about her chosen study and career path and her time at college.
When did you decide that nursing was what you wanted to do?
“I think I knew when I chose health and social care that nursing was what I wanted to do. The course solidified this interest. It gave me an insight into what the role of the nurse is and what they are capable of. It helped me to think in more depth and how to apply transferable skills to different situations.
I decided to pursue a career in nursing because I enjoy being with and helping people. This course helped me to see how this could be applied in the workplace.”
While at college, can you outline any particular skills you felt you developed that are of real use now and that you think will be in your future career?
“At college I began to develop my writing skills and referencing skills, both of which set me in good stead, academically, for the nursing degree. Practically, college taught me patience and empathy, both of which I use on a day-to-day basis and have helped to develop my communication skills. This is important for every aspect of nursing and has been very beneficial to me.”
How are you putting these skills into practice in a work environment?
“I use these skills on a daily basis, whether I’m in practice or in lectures. These have given me the foundations to develop my skills further and to grow as a person and nurse.”
How was your overall experience at College?
“Overall, I had a positive college experience. I met new people and made friends, some of whom are still supporting me today. College helped to open doors for me and gave me the knowledge and courage to begin new adventures.”
What are your next steps and immediate goals?
“My next step is to finish my degree and begin work as a qualified nurse!”